Residential HVAC Systems are complex devices capable of heating and cooling a house. For the average homeowner, it is challenging to compare HVAC systems on the market today since there are many factors to consider, including these HVAC tips:


Efficiency ratings are recognized worldwide and apply to all kinds of cooling and heating systems. The newer and more technologically advanced a particular model is, you can likely expect it to have a higher efficiency rating. It is the standard set by the government to determine a unit’s efficiency in consuming energy. Hence, all homeowners must always take into consideration an HVAC unit’s efficiency rating before buying one.

The HVAC Unit’s Size

An essential HVAC tip in ultimate home comfort is that the size of a residential HVAC system is crucial in saving energy and minimizing utility costs. A unit smaller than what your space requires is never enough to thoroughly cool or heat your home. It means that your unit is working nonstop because it cannot fully regulate your home’s indoor environment. Meanwhile, a massive unit results in an overkill or an excess of your residential HVAC system’s energy output. As a golden rule, only purchase an HVAC unit that is the right size for your home and can sufficiently heat or cool it according to its square footage.

centralized air conditionerTypes of Air Conditioners

In a centralized HVAC system, the air conditioner is a separate component. However, you can buy an AC individually. You can place them outside your home, in the furnace room or the basement; it all depends on the kind of AC you purchased. You can also buy a window-mounted unit that is ideal for smaller spaces. An AC does not need gas to work since you can plug them into any electrical outlet.

Furnace Types

Like ACs, you can buy an individual furnace or as a component of a residential HVAC system. A wood-burning furnace is slightly obsolete, whereas electric and natural gas models are its more typical modern counterparts. A furnace heats the air that passes through the vents or the water that goes through pipes. Generally, the power source is what is most feasible in your locality.


You can opt to go with geothermal if you construct a new residence and have the extra money to burn. A small residential HVAC system will often cost you around $5,000 up to $10,000 on average. Industry experts came up with this estimate back in 2012. Now, a geothermal unit will cost even more. But with a geothermal unit in place, you can enjoy lower energy consumption compared to other conventional forms of heating. Geothermal utilizes the ground temperature to ensure your home wants a constant, comfortable temperature throughout the year. A geothermal unit can enable homeowners to save as much as 40% of their energy costs. However, there is a caveat since the upfront fee to acquire a highly energy-efficient residential HVAC system is higher than other heating systems.