Like any appliance, your furnace is subject to wear and tear. The less the wear and tear, the longer your furnace lasts. Thus, it makes sense to find ways of reducing furnace wear and tear, such as improving the efficiency of your furnace.

Furnace efficiency not only reduces wear and tear on your furnace, but it also saves you money by:


While it seems that Toronto’s winters are improving, they still can be harsh. One long cold snap can send your energy bills through the roof. The good news is that there are easy solutions that can help ease some of those heating costs.

We’ve prepared some furnace efficiency tips that we think you will find helpful.

But first…


What Does Furnace Efficiency Mean?

The Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating measures the efficiency of a furnace. The higher the AFUE rating, the more efficient the furnace is. A furnace with an AFUE rating of 95% will require significantly less fuel (natural gas) to heat your home than a unit with an 80% AFUE rating.


Benefits of Furnace Efficiency 

Furnace efficiency extends the life of your furnace and helps homeowners save money.

Energy spending makes up 5% of Canadian household expenditures. In 2017, the average Canadian household spent $4 281 on energy.

Households need the energy to power numerous home devices and equipment.  On average, approximately 50% of a household’s annual energy consumption is for heating and cooling.

What is the Most Efficient Furnace?

Furnaces that have earned the ENERGY STAR have higher AFUE ratings. Most furnaces that can qualify for the ENERGY STAR will be “condensing” furnaces.

Condensing furnaces have a second heat exchanger that extracts extra heat from water vapor that would typically vent out of your home. The second heat exchanger allows the furnace to increase the use of the energy that they consume so that homeowners can save on energy costs. This condensing occurs with systems over 90 percent efficient.


How Much do Ontario Households Spend on Energy?

The average Ontario household spent $2,165 on home energy in 2019. The majority of home energy spending is for electricity ($1,195), followed by natural gas ($842) and other fuels ($128).


How are Homes in Canada Heated?

Forced-air furnaces are the favorite heating system of two-thirds of all Canadian homes. Of these, two-thirds are fired by natural gas, while the rest use oil or propane. In addition, there is an option to equip a forced-air furnace with a humidifier and/or fresh-air ventilator.


What Uses the Most Energy in Ontario Homes?

Natural gas was the most widely used energy source in Ontario homes, accounting for 58% of total household energy consumption. Natural gas made up 77% of household energy use in Alberta, 70% in Saskatchewan, 52% in British Columbia, and 49% in Manitoba.


Furnace Efficiency Tips

After performing repairs, maintenance, and installations for many years, our technicians selected the top insider tips on reducing energy bills to help you save on heating costs. Read on to learn our top furnace efficiency tips.


Replace the furnace filters

You need the check the filters every month and replace them as required. A clogged filter will restrict airflow, forcing the furnace to work harder. Eventually, it will overheat and break down, which will be very costly to repair or replace. A clogged filter will also reduce indoor air quality, thus causing more irritations to people with breathing issues.


Clean the vents and ductwork

Any airflow restrictions to other rooms in your home will stress the furnace leading to lesser efficiency. Clear away furniture or window coverings from every vent and register in your home. Hire a local company to clean the ductwork.


Clean the furnace

We hope you didn’t put away that vacuum just yet! To keep the furnace performing at its best, once a year, remove the access panels from your furnace to clean out any dust or debris that might have collected inside.


Install a smart thermostat

When you lower the temperature in your home when you are not present, you can enjoy many savings during the winter season. With a smart thermostat, it’s easy to adjust the indoor temperature. For instance, you can lower it when everyone leaves the house and increase it right before getting home.


Regular maintenance

You need to schedule a yearly tune-up for your furnace. Here, a professional will inspect the furnace, clean the key areas, and address any issues present. It’s an excellent way to extend the lifespan of your furnace and enjoy the peace of mind of a warmer home.


Upgrade your furnace

If you’ve already implemented some of these helpful tips but you’re still experiencing high energy bills, it may be time to upgrade to a new heating system. According to the Department of Energy, while older furnaces had efficiency ranges between 55% – 70%, modern conventional heating systems can achieve up to 98.5% efficiency ratings. Installing a new system or adding upgrades can often cut your energy bills in half.

Not sure if you need a new furnace or not? Check out our furnace installation guide.


Furnace Efficiency – Conclusion


The above furnace efficiency tips will ensure your furnace is heating your home efficiently at the lowest cost!

Stop worrying about spiking power expenses by following the furnace efficiency tips mentioned above. We wish you all the best in your efforts to save energy!

To help you save on energy costs and improve the overall comfort at home, contact Furnace Repair Toronto for a free consultation.  We can help you make informed decisions about your home’s heating and cooling system.  Contact us today for a free consultation.